Production of a top quality MDF panel involves various and interconnected issues and in many cases leads to increase manufacturing costs. Abimo group designs plants such that radically reduce of production costs, from electrical power, to resins and chemical additives and etc. Innovative methods of resin application, pressing technologies and optimal use of raw materials, have been applied to the latest MDF plants to reduce resin addition rates and increase production capacity, allowing manufacturers to benefit from a rapid payback and smaller investments, without the need to produce large volumes of MDF panels.

The application of the technological innovations and methods that Abimo group have accomplished on MDP lines in the mixing and pressing procedures, are able to obviously reduce resin consumption and increase production efficiency, whilst keeping the same quality standards. An extraordinary added value is the application of special technology capable of exploiting secondary raw materials, including urban waste, as substitutes for wood as the raw material in the work process.

The technology of drying employed and applied by the Abimo group in the production procedure, which is carried out on the belt conveyor, causes the drying of the strands without failure, and consequently producing a better quality end product. The use of this method has also more benefits like reducing the risk of fire, faster maintenance and lower emissions of gases to the environment. With the new resin application methods and press technologies, the Abimo group is the state-of-the-art in OSB panel production.

Wood recycling treatment
in the past, panel manufacturers had an abundance of wood at their disposal for their process requirement. At present in North and Central Europe, North America, Brazil and elsewhere, despite reforestation policies and an increase in the number of trees, the cost for obtaining these resources in addition to related environmental issues, have forced many companies to seek alternative options. The only real and proven option is urban waste wood. In fact, most urban forests are attractively priced and in some cases, can be collected free of charge. As a result of the great expertise acquired in chip cleaning, Abimo group became the company in to produce integrated recycling systems for urban wood waste. With the application of this special technology, it is not only possible to recycle wood for wood-based panels but for other products in the industry as well such as pallet blocks.